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Master Your stress
Everybody Has Stress!
Don't Just Manage it, Master it.
“I do not pray for a lighter load, but for a stronger back.” Phillips Brooks
Identifying Signs of Stress
Stress manifests in different ways for different individuals. For some, it takes the form of a physical toll, while for others, it may cause memory loss or distraction. The four main signs of stress are:
Physical: Low energy, aches and pains, frequent illness
Emotional: Irritability, feeling overwhelmed, moodiness
Cognitive: Inability to concentrate, memory problems, poor judgment
Behavioral: Eating or sleeping issues, procrastination, nervous habits
Two steps to identify and manage workplace stress...
Identifying the source of workplace stress, and
Providing staff with tools manage personal stress.
Assessing Sources of Workplace Stress
Workplace stress can have a profound effect on productivity and engagement in the organization.
7 Sources of Workplace Stress (Description link)
Demanding job
Effort/reward balance
Organizational change
Social support
Job security
When stress factors are coupled with potentially ineffective management, stress can become a problem that extends to the entire department or company. Identifying signs of stress within the organization is the first step in designing a strategy to address the issue.
Stress Quotient® is an accurate diagnostic for revealing the stressors at play in your workplace.
Seven Stress Factors
Our revolutionary stress assessment identifies seven sources of workplace stress that may be impacting your employees: i
DEMAND STRESS: Poorly designed jobs, excessive demands or poor job fit
EFFORTS/REWARD BALANCE STRESS: High output and effort met with minimal reward
CONTROL STRESS: High responsibility paired with low authority, and lack of control
ORGANIZATION CHANGE STRESS: Restructuring, poorly communicated policies and leadership changes
MANAGER/SUPERVISOR STRESS: Enormous pressure or challenges from your superior
SOCIAL SUPPORT STRESS: Lack of support among peers and competitiveness
JOB SECURITY STRESS: Fear of loss of job or threatened job status
What does the StressMaster Questionaire (SMQ) Measure?
The SMQ consists of 87 scientifically developed and validated questions. Each scale has been normed under 3 major categories...
Hostility/Anger (HO)
Time Urgency (TE)
Perfectionism (PE)
Disappointment (DI)
Burnout (BR)
Underachievement (UA)
Tension (TE)
Physical Stress Effects (PE)
Life/Work Satisfaction Scales (LW)
Life Events (LE)
Hassles (HA)
Each of these scales is a unique aspect of how stress can impact our lives.
Every completed stress assessment comes with a personal action plan to help you master your areas of stress.
No matter how noble the work, how high the calling, how large or small the organization, there are no stress-free leadership positions, or stress-free lives. Everybody has stress!
The Stress Management Questionnaire (SMQ) is comprised of 87 scientifically developed questions that identify stress warning signs, effects and stressors. The Stressmastery Guide provides detailed information about each scale, along with "What to Know" and "What to Do" when one scores high on each scale. The Guide is an excellent source of Stressmastery strategies and techniques for mastering stress and provides insight into how to deal with “at-risk” behaviors and attitudes.
The StressMastery Workshop provides your leaders, staff, vlounteers or a group of friends with tools to go beyond managing stress to mastering it.
It can be extremely difficutl to keep a clear mind in life and leadership while coping with stress.

Sample of Individual & Group Report